

UPDATE: New maps & marker support

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List of changes:

  • The display of linear and rectangular zone markers has been added in the test mode
  • Map load & move optimization (1 layer instead of 7)
  • New maps: Korsac, Farabad, Isla Pera, Hellanmaa, Kunduz River, North Takistan, Livonia

During the usage of APMO you may occur some bugs, so feel free to inform us on WOG Forum or via GitHub issues.

APMO Beta Release [MVP]

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Welcome to APMO: Arma Plan Maker Online!
We are happy to inform you that our project are now open for beta testing!
While working on the 1.0 release version, there some features that now available for you:
  • Select one of 40 maps for your plan
  • Upload any .pbo mission from Arma 3, view briefing, slots, vehicles & custom structures
  • Copy & Paste SWT markers from Arma 3
  • Move/Create/Delete basic SWT Markers
  • Save plans & share it with your team

During the usage of APMO you may occur some bugs, so feel free to inform us on WOG Forum or via GitHub issues.